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2012 Fall Specialty Results

TarTan Fall Specialty

South Windsor, CT

Monday, October 8, 2012

Puppy Sweepstakes

Judge: Mrs Nancy Connor


Puppy Dogs, 6-9 Months (1)

1) Schofield Rio Debonaire Of Damon’s (C/G Paludi)

Puppy Dogs, 9-12 Months (2)

1) Sea Gems Harbor Breeze (P Schattner)

2) Sea Gems Harboring Mischief (D Eckert/P Schattner)

Junior Dogs, 15-18 Months (1)

1) WP Red, White & Blue Spruce (S Adams-Conley DVM)

Puppy Bitches, 9-12 Months (2)

1) Valley Views Summertime Dream (J VanAller)

2) Showpoint Jolene To Woodsmoke (C Fitzgerald/L Wilshere/E Fryquist)

Junior Bitches, 12-15 Months (1)

1) Windcrest Follow That Dream (D/V Sweeney/S Scovil/K Davidson-Christman)

Junior Bitches, 15-18 Months (2)

1) Dundee’s Skye Of Glen Mor (S Linhares/J MacWalter)

2) Sandpiper’s Sounds Of Nantucket (J Beattie/D Grant/P Reilly)


Best in SweepstakesValley Views Summertime Dream

Best of Opposite Sex in SweepstakesSea Gems Harbor Breeze


Junior Showmanship

Judge: Mrs Madeline B Fish

Junior Showmanship, Open Intermediate (1)

1) Anna L Gillis w/Ch Ahoy’s Pride Of The Glens JH CGC (J/J MacWalter)

Best Junior Handler:  Anna L Gillis


Regular Classes

Date:  Monday, October 8, 2012

Judge: Mrs Madeline B Fish

Puppy Dogs, 6-9 Months (1)

1) Schofield Rio Debonaire Of Damon’s (C/G Paludi)

Puppy Dogs, 9-12 Months (2)

1) Sea Gems Harboring Mischief (D Eckert/P Schattner)

2) Sea Gems Harbor Breeze (P Schattner)

Junior Dogs, 12-18 Months (1)

1) WP Red, White & Blue Spruce (S Adams-Conley DVM)

Novice Dogs (1)

1) Gordon Hill Tailwind (D/S DeSilver)

Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs (2)

1) Sea Gems Black Sabbath (P Schattner/D Golden)

2) Windcrest Take Me To The Pilot (D/K Pilotti/D Sweeney)

American-Bred Dogs (3)

1) Sea Gems Memories In Time (P Schattner/K Holroyd)

2) Sandpiper’s Smoke On The Water (L Nicoll/J Beattie)

3) Holly Hollow’s Helluva Heat Wave (S Linhares)

Open Dogs (4/1 Abs)

1) Holly Hollow’s Bodacious Bomag (S Linhares)

2) Sandpiper’s Man Overboard (B Porterfield/D Grant/P Reilly)

3) Sandpiper’s Dashing In The Dunes (P Haynes/P Reilly)


Winners Dog: Holly Hollow’s Bodacious Bomag

Reserve Winners Dog: Sea Gems Black Sabbath


Puppy Bitches, 9-12 Months (2)

1) Valley Views Summertime Dream (J VanAller)

2) Showpoint Jolene To Woodsmoke (C Fitzgerald/L Wilshere/E Fryquist)

Junior Bitches, 12-18 Months (4)

1) Albanach Braveheart (J Parke/E Desimore/T/A Albers)

2) Sandpiper’s Sounds Of Nantucket (J Beattie/D Grant/P Reilly)

3) Dundee’s Skye Of Glen Mor (S Linhares/J MacWalter)

4) Windcrest Follow That Dream (D/V Sweeney/S Scovil/K Davidson-Christman)

Novice (1)

1) Halcyon Xemplar (D/M Myers)

Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches (4)

1) Damon’s Fire & Rain (C/G Paludi)

2) Sandpiper’s Shore Why Knot! (J Beattie/P Reilly/D Grant)

3) WP Mistress Of The Dark Pines (S Adams-Conley DVM)

4) Leadra’s Lennox Loinneil Lass (S/S Nicoll)

American-Bred Bitches (2)

1) Valley View Elvira (J VanAller)

2) Sandpiper’s Ceilidh For Glen ‘Mor JH (J/J MacWalter/J Beattie/P Reilly)

Open Bitches (2)

1) Bran Linn Braxfield Xpert Advice (N Maounis/C/J Bell DVM)

2) Glenlea Woodsmoke Dancing Thru Life (N/C Fitzgerald/G McCarthy)


Winners Bitch:  Bran Linn Braxfield Xpert Advice

Reserve Winners Bitch:  Valley Views Summertime Dream


Non-Regular Classes

Hunting Dogs (1)

1) Ch Tamarack Sharp Dressed Man JH (E Shanahan/M/D Brnger)

Veteran Bitches (2/1 Abs)

1) Ch Windcrest Some Kind Of Wonderful (D/V Sweeney/S Scovil)


Best of Breed Competition (Number of dogs:  8/1 Abs /Number of bitches:  4)

Best of Breed:  Ch Bromwich’s Causin’ A Commotion (S/R Montgomery/P Scott)

Best of Opposite Sex:  Ch Firethorn And Spring Run’s Let’s Make A Deal (V Powell/M McLoughlin/C Kirby)

Best of Winners:  Holly Hollow’s Bodacious Bomag

Select Dog: Ch Sandpiper’s Son Of A Son Of A Sailor (D Grant/J Beattie/P Reilly/J Anderson)

Select Bitch: Ch Windcrest Some Kind Of Wonderful

Award of Merit:  GCH Albanach A Knight’s Tale JH (J/E Parke//T/A Albers)

Award of Merit:  Ch Firethorn And Spring Run’s Truth Or Consequences ( C Kirby/M McLoughlin DVM/G McCarthy)



Date: Monday, October 8, 2012

Judge: Laurey Weiner


Novice B (1)

1) Ch Leadra’s Luthmohr Leannain RA (S/S Nicoll) Score: 186



Date: Monday, October 8, 2012

Judge: Laurey Weiner


Novice B (3, 2 NQ)

1) Leadra’s Lennox Loinneil Lass (S/S Nicoll) Score: 80


Advanced B (2)

1) Ch Leadra’s Leil Loinneil Lemon RN (S/S Nicoll) Score: 54, Time: 2:43

2) Vintage Just A Whisper RE (S Adams-Conley DVM/D Conley) Score: 54, Time: 2:50


Excellent B

1) Vintage Just A Whisper RE (S Adams-Conley DVM/D Conley) Score: 82

2) Ch Leadra’s Luthmohr Leannain RA (S/S Nicoll) Score: 70


Specialty Results Prepared by:  Karol Paduch

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