
Membership Information

Whether you own a Gordon Setter or not; from non-owners to pet owners, to serious competitors, everyone is welcome to join our club. We have a wonderful group of individuals who love, enjoy and compete in all disciplines and aspects of Gordon Setter ownership. Centered in New England, including New York State, east of the Hudson River, our club offers field trials, hunting tests, specialties, supported entries and social events, including picnics and banquets, where we can enjoy each other’s company and take pleasure in our dogs. We are a cohesive group that takes pride in our reputation for friendliness and hospitality.

Membership details can be viewed on the downloadable form.

Print it then fill it out (download here).

You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view this form. If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here. Contact our membership chairperson below for more information, or any one of our officers.

Membership Chairperson:
Cindy Fitzgerald Email
PO Box 387
123 Culver Rd
Pinnacle, NC 27043

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