Code of Ethics
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to set forth principles of practice that the TarTan Gordon Setter Club would have its members strive towards in the preservation of the quality of the Gordon Setter, the protection of the Gordon Setter, and to promote good sportsmanship in exhibiting, breeding, judging, and selling Gordon setters.
Members should acknowledge that this Code of Ethics is a commitment to a high standard of practice in owning, breeding, and promoting Gordon Setters. It should be understood that ethics cannot be legislated and most members intend to do what is right.
Members will strive to:
1. Serve as an example of good sportsmanship in every aspect of the sport of dogs. Encourage new owners by sharing knowledge and expertise. Members will refrain from knowingly making unfair or unfounded statements about the dogs or practices of others.
2. Understand the basic laws of genetics, and the Gordon Setter Standard, and to breed only with the intention of improving the breed. To recognize that the reputation and health of the Gordon Setter rests in the hands of its breeders.
3. Promote the Gordon Setter’s natural abilities.
4. Exercise extreme caution when advertising or selling Gordon Setters. Do not knowingly sell to commercial breeders, pet retailers, research laboratories, or offer a dog as a prize for raffles or auctions, or any other such undertaking. To follow good business practices and ethics in sales and breeding contracts, and to honor all agreements. To be honest and forthright with potential buyers as well as when negotiating a breeding with another owner.
5. To accept the premise that by breeding a litter, those dogs’ welfare become a member’s responsibility throughout their lifetimes.
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