[gview file=”http://tartangsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/TarTan-SaturdayApril25MHSHCourse2.pdf”] [gview file=”http://tartangsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/TarTan-SaturdayApril25MHSHCourse1.pdf”] [gview file=”http://tartangsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/TarTan-SaturdayApril25JH.pdf”]
Permanent link to this article: https://tartangsc.org/spring-2015-hunting-test-running-orders/
Here are the premiums for the Fall Double Header Hunt Tests on Cape Cod. Woohoo!
One is for TarTan and the other is for the English Setter Club of New England! Come on over!!
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Exciting news! Many of you have heard of, or watched videos of the newer dog sport: FastCat. Dogs and handlers seem to love it, so TarTan has decided to offer a FastCat trial. We are coordinating with the Yankee Weimaraner Club during Labor Day weekend. Details in the premium attached. Heads up: really, no experience necessary. And a guarantee: you and your dog will have a wonderful time!
Hope to see you there!
Here is a link to a video that can illustrate more about the sport:
And for more about the sport, here are the Rules and Regulations from the AKC:
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New! – For anyone needing help with a correction to be made to their dog’s record there is a new online Correction Request Form available for faster service.
Does anyone have the link for photos from 9/1? Thanks!
Any pictures of the ribbons?🩵🩵
Here is some important information. Share if you can.
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Bringing a Dog into the United States | Bringing an Animal into U.S. | Importation | CDC
Animal Importation, importation of animals, importation of animal products, Traveling with Pets
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